Home      Services
Here is how we can help you generate sales leads:

Develop Your Social Media Sites:
We will help you get started by setting up pages and get some followers to the site:
SEO/Google Analytics Review: $500

Facebook Fan Page: $1,000

Twitter: $250

Blog: $1,000- $2,500


Send Emails:
(Includes Content Development) To Your Customers/Potential Customers

$500 for once a month newsletter

$250 for week contact

Send Emails to our List: Limited To One Advertiser Per Month


Limited to Two Advertisers Per Month

On our site:
Motoracingltd.com- $750 a month


In our monthly newsletter:
Motoracingltd.com $1,500 a month


Broker Your Racing Car With Us:
5% of first car
10% of second and any future cars